Версия сайта для слабовидящих


28.04.2020 21:17


Тема: Лексика по теме. Посещение кафе.

1. Повторение изученного материала.

Лексика по теме «Еда».



2. Совершенствование навыков чтения.

In the Cafe
A woman came into the café for a plate of soup. When it was served she looked at it and said:

“Waiter, I can`t eat this soup”.

The waiter took the plate away and brought another plate of soup.

“I think you`ll like it, madam”.

“I can`t eat this soup”.

“Why? This soup is very tasty. Why can`t you eat it?”

“Because I have no spoon!”


3. Введение новой лексики.

photography   [fə'tɔgrəfɪ]  фотография

shop assistant   ['ʃɔp ə'sɪstənt]  продавец, продавщица

sportsman   ['spɔ:tsmən]  спортсмен

school   [sku:l]  школа

university   [ju:nɪ'və:sɪti]  университет